Represented by: PARIPSKIY EFIM SEMENOVI Company OOO "NEFTEBAZA GARANT" registered 19 October 2004 year at 188306, LENINGRADSKAYA AREA, REGION GATCHINSKIJ, CITY GATCHINA, TERRITORIYA PROMZONA-1, KVARTAL 1, PLOSHADKA 2, KORP 1Company was assigned registration numbers below: ИНН: 4705027030 ОГРН: 1044701246314 КПП: 470501001 ОКПО: 70650082
<The main activity is
Supporting and Auxiliary Transport Activities Cargo Handling and Storage, Storage and Warehousing, Storage and Warehousing of Liquid or Gaseous Goods Storage and Warehousing of Oil and its derivativesPARIPSKIY EFIM SEMENOVICH